Thursday 21/08/2014 posted by nicki
Brazilian artists and twin brothers, Os Gemeos , are transforming 6 industrial silos at the Ocean Concrete cement yard on Granville Island to a new gigantic mural as part of Vancouver Biennale 2014-2016. The mural, as it is being created by the brothers, is already bringing much joy and play to a space that was previously colourless and grey.
It was during one of my morning walks that I first noticed the new mural on Granville Island. Everyday since then, I have been following its development. With each new detail that is added, I witness the further transformation of a lifeless silo into a colourful giant. It is magical and I can't even begin to describe the positive difference it has already made in my morning ritual. You can see more recent photographs here .
Read more about public art and wellbeing:
Banksy, Gormley or Hirst: is public art good for the nation's wellbeing?