Wednesday 27/08/2014 posted by Kira Tozer
Over the summer the Arts Health BC team has been busy prepping an exciting project headed your way this fall...On The Map: Arts & Health in BC! a province-wide project of arts & health activity to uncover the many ways that the arts are contributing to individual, community, and population health, healing and wellbeing. While we know there is a lots of really innovative and exciting arts & health activity in the province, we don’t know about it all. As a sector, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the scope, location and leadership of BC-based arts & health activities. Also, we often hear from people working in the field that they feel alone in their work and are always on the look out for like-minded and close-to-home arts & health colleagues to learn from and collaborate with.
So, to address this expressed networking need and information gap, we’re launching an online survey to identify arts & health initiatives in the province within health care, research, education and community settings.
With the results we’ll produce a final report indexing the identified initiatives, as well as some aggregate information on the arts & health sector in BC. The report will be used and promoted by Arts Health BC to bring awareness to the value of arts & health work, facilitate networking and resource sharing, and ultimately create more opportunities for British Columbians to engage with art for the health of it.
We’ll be looking for artists, administrators, educators, health care providers, practitioners, researchers, and anyone else who leads arts & health activities in BC, to fill out the survey. And as you can imagine, we’ll need all the help we can get in promoting this survey to such a broad community of potential respondents! So stay tuned to for more information on how you can help to spread the word, and fill out the survey to ensure that your arts & health work is “on the map!”